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42nd Commencement Exercise 2014

Congratulations to Class of 2014

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Four Seas College is proud to present the graduating Class of 2014!


Five students have dedicated the last 2 years of their lives to the study of the Bible in preparation for effective service to the Lord.


The 42nd Commencement Exercise of Four Seas College, held on Saturday, 22 Nov, at the 2nd Floor of 120 Boon Lay Drive (Jurong church of Christ building) had witnessed the joyous celebration of accomplishments by graduates of the Class of 2014.


The graduates are: King Yue Xianghui (China), Huynh Huu Hiep (Vietnam), Je Ann Camino Tabunan (Philippines), Baby Rosello Rondez (Philippines), Chantelle Marie Swayne (Australia).


The graduates will be using their acquired knowledge, skills and experience to labour in the Lord's Kingdom in teaching and spreading the Word as well as dedicate their best efforts to labour in the vineyard of the Lord.


​We congratulate these graduates for their well-earned recognitions.

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